Unspeak Unspoke Unspoken Unspeaks Unspeaking

Base Form : Unspeak
Past Simple : Unspoke
Past Participle : Unspoken
3rdPerson Singular : Unspeaks
Present Participle / Gerund : Unspeaking

Definition :

To take back what has been said or not to say something

Cite :
Irreguler Verbs Unspeak Unspoke Unspoken Unspeaks Unspeaking, https://www.kamusinggris.com/irr/unspeak, tanggal akses : 04 April, 2024.
Link :
<a href="https://www.kamusinggris.com/irr/unspeak"> Irreguler Verbs Unspeak Unspoke Unspoken Unspeaks Unspeaking</a>